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Post Category: Trinity Baptist Church

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A Brief History of Trinity Baptist Church

Trinity Baptist Church was born as a result of the conviction that a Baptist church was needed which would be committed to the great doctrines of sovereign grace, and to the primacy of the preaching of the Word of God....

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35th Anniversary Prayer

On the occasion of Trinity's 35th anniversary, elder Colin Wellum, one of the founding members of the church, offered this prayer to our gracious heavenly Father. We praise you heavenly Father for the great privilege which is ours this day to humbly come before You, and lovingly praise and thank You as we reflect on the early history of our church. 35 years ago, a small a...

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Our Motto Text

"For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God." Acts 20:27 This text has been at the heart of the preaching and teaching ministry of Trinity from its beginning....

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Reformed Baptist Church?

If I were to be asked "What kind of a church are you? I would not hesitate to reply, "We are a Baptist church!" We hold to those truths which have sometimes been referred to as "Baptist Distinctives"....

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Tribute to Pastor William E. Payne 1938 - 1997

The Sovereign Grace Baptist Churches of Canada were shocked recently at the sudden passing of their brother in Christ and fellow pastor, Bill Payne. Bill was pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Burlington for over 24 years. He would have celebrated his 25th anniversary this October. He had also served in Central Baptist Church in Toronto and Calvary Baptist in Burlington. ...

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