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Post Category: Christian Living

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Giving a Testimony

When a Christian is called upon to give his testimony in the church, it's important that he remember that the goal of all speaking, in the meetings of church, is to edify (1 Cor. 14:12). (The following is used by permission of the author and Grace Bible Church of Tulsa, OK.)...

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Praying for Politicians

Joseph Stalin, who killed millions of his fellow Russians because of his paranoid obsession with power, scoffed at a colleague who warned that the Pope was likely to denounce one of Stalin's barbaric plans. "The pope," he sneered, "How many divisions does he have?"(1) This is an example of how many people see religion in general and Christianity in particular. The church i...

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Reflections: My Neighbour the Catholic

As I reflect on Catholicism I realize that faces come to mind, not a system, not a monolithic structure, not a demonic institution. I remember people who were very, very nice....

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Coping With Bereavement

Bereavement is not a subject that we find easy to discuss, and yet we know perfectly well that we must all face it. Let me then suggest some aspects of this subject which ought to be considered in the hope that these few thoughts might be of practical help to some....

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Imbalance in the Christian Life

The following is a sermon preached at Trinity Baptist Church, Burlington. It has been left in its basic preaching style, and it addresses a problem faced by every Christian....

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The Sanctity of Human Life

This message was preached in Trinity Baptist Church, Burlington, Ont. during a Mothers' Day service. It is printed by request in the hope that others might find it helpful and instructive. It has been deliberately left in sermonic form....

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Biblical Reformation in the Churches

We must begin with theology. I contend that in our present day churches, there is such a lack of sound doctrine, and such a predominance of superficiality, as to be dangerous to the spiritual health and well-being of the churches. ...

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Five brief articles in one covering (1) The Importance of Prayer, (2) What is Prayer?, (3) Prayer as an Evidence of the Christian Life, (4) Our Attitude in Prayer and (5) Unanswered Prayer....

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