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Post Category: Other Doctrinal Issues

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Baptism and the Abrahamic Covenant

How is the Abrahamic Covenant, introduced in Genesis 12, still applicable today? How is it related to the church ordinance of baptism? ...

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Is that ALL There is ?!

"Meaningless, meaningless!" says the Teacher."Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless!" Ecclesiastes 1:2 These words were written 3,000 years ago. Yet they are as up-to-date as today's newspaper. The Teacher looked at life apart from God and concluded that life was meaningless. Contemporary philosophers have said the same thing. They too have looked at life. They h...

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Are Altar Calls Biblical?

While the necessity of inviting sinners to Jesus is something to be defended, that invitation must be safeguarded. In the evangelism of today, inviting sinners to Christ, which is a matter related to preaching, has been confused with giving altar calls, which is something related to methodology....

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Pastor, What's the Difference?

A comparison of Arminian and Calvinistic doctrines. The following article was originally published in booklet form by William E. Payne, while pastor of Calvary Baptist Church (about 1970)in Burlington, Ontario ...

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