35th Anniversary Prayer
On the occasion of Trinity's 35th anniversary, elder Colin Wellum, one of the founding members of the church, offered this prayer to our gracious heavenly Father.
We praise you heavenly Father for the great privilege which is ours this day to humbly come before You, and lovingly praise and thank You as we reflect on the early history of our church. 35 years ago, a small assembly of Christian men & women prayerfully desirous of establishing a church wherein would be proclaimed the powerful, glorious Word of God, founded on the solid Biblical basis with emphasis on the great and glorious doctrines of sovereign grace. By grace, we met for the first time in a small house in Burlington and then, by your grace, Lord, over several years in a rented lodge, two schools and then by your grace, under your leading, acquired this historic vacant church on Appleby Line, a building that was consigned to be sold and used as a warehouse.
By your grace, Lord, this building was purchased and substantial alterations were made to accommodate our growing group of believers and to anticipate many more coming to faith in You by a sound Biblical ministry under the Spirit –anointed ministry of Pastor William Payne & now under the capable, faithful ministry of Pastor Carl Muller. We praise you, Lord, for ongoing great Spirit- filled preaching, fellowship and maturity in You and your precious Word. Three times, Lord, you enabled us to increase the facilities to place us in a functional position until the early 2000’s when again we increased the facilities. Lord, we are mindful that all this was done by your grace and mercy when simultaneously you placed in the hearts of Pastors Payne & Muller the fervent desire to preach the whole counsel of God and thereby see many souls brought to a Biblical faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Praising you, Lord, we have seen many go from these early ranks into Christian ministry & missionary activity and thanks to you, Lord, the development of the Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Churches.
You Lord, the Lord of the harvest, has given Trinity Baptist Church missionary responsibilities; prayerfully & financially in Ireland, Turkey, Indonesia, Lebanon, Mozambique, Philippines, Brazil & Carey Outreach Ministries, as well as the Burlington Crisis Pregnancy Centre. Honouring those who die in the Lord & new life in babies born to families in Trinity….. thousands of Gideon Bibles have been placed world-wide. Over the years you, Lord, have blessed our Trinity families with 119 babies and more on the way. We pray for your keeping grace and salvation by grace to each one.
We continue to fervently pray for your gracious Spirit to work through our missionaries, Sovereign Grace Churches, Toronto Baptist Seminary and the faithful professors therein who give unstintingly of their expertise & time and love for the Lord of the harvest.
As You have helped us to increase our facilities, Trinity Baptist Church is now positioned in 2007, in an area of burgeoning development & growth where we trust we will see, in time, men and women, boys and girls come under the glorious sound of the gospel of redeeming grace.
Mankind desperately needs you, Lord, so our earnest prayer under you, God, is to proclaim the Word faithfully and so fulfill your great commission. Therefore we thank you, gracious Lord, for what you have done in the past and what you, the Lord of the harvest, is doing at the present time through the preaching of the Word in the Sunday services, prayer meetings, Sunday School for all ages, Young Peoples, Young Adults, Kid’s Klub and Ladies Bible Study. Lord Jesus how we thank You for so great salvation!!! "It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any should boast". Eph.2: 8,9.
Lord may we be deeply rooted in you, the Lord of glory; deeply rooted downward and bear much fruit upwards to the glory of You, our gracious Lord.
We recall with great joy and thanksgiving at all times;
The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation by water and the Word,
From heaven He came and sought her to be His holy bride,
With His own blood He bought her and for her life He died.
Lord, today as Your Word goes forth by visiting Pastor Mark Webb, on this our 35th anniversary, we fervently pray that the Word preached will go forth in convicting and sanctifying power and that our Triune God will receive all the praise, honour and glory. Amen.
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35th Anniversary Prayer